


Tracker.NewFS (starting at version 3.0 Beta 7) supports SVG icons. To keep the progress of libbsvg and Tracker.NewFS independant I decided to _not_ integrate SVG into Tracker.NewFS directly. The libbsvg is not linked into libtracker and SVG support is provided by the SVGTranslator included in the BeOS SVG Packs.
To get SVG working in your Tracker.NewFS you need therefore to install libbsvg and the SVGTranslator. The easiest way to do so is by downloading a lite package (without the tracker, as you already have one). Click here to download the latest official package and restart your system after you installed it.
As soon as you have the SVGTranslator in place Tracker.NewFS should support SVG icons for files, folders, MIME-Types and Themes.


With the release of Tracker.NewFS 3.0 Beta 7, there is theming support for tracker and MIME icons. Raster and SVG themes are supported with the possibility to mix formats as needed
There is a new setting called "Themes" in the trackersettings to switch between themes easily. It also has a preview function where you can scroll through all the icons provided by the theme.
By default, there are no themes included in the tracker package. To install them you have to download a themes package and install it. The new theme should then be selectable in the settings.
Here is a list of currently available themes: What this all exactly means can be seen best by looking at the screenshots or trying it out yourself. For a more indepth look at the structure of Tracker.NewFS themes, you can read the tutorial for theme designers in the tutorial section.
If you created a theme and would like to see it listed here too, please contact me by e-mail.




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