The libbsvg
A early snipet of the header that is shiped with the library
The first SVG-Viewer showing the SVG 3dMix icon
This Haiku logo was made by redrawing the one from the boot screenshot
get it here
This shows basic text support in action. There are some problems with XML special char handling and units are not yet handled
But it works fine for normal text with text and tspan elements with per char placement and displacement
This screenshot shows the now correct cubic beziers, the elliptical arc command as well as evenodd fillrule
The evenodd fillrule test from the test suite
Text support has made progress and (horizontal) alignment is now possible using text anchors
Text on a path is working well, but there is still a bit work to do for exact placement
The bsvgviewer
Some examples (mainly test SVG's from with a very early version
A allmost fullscreen example of the NetPositive icon
There's a lion sitting on my desktop! (showing first examples with the bsvgviewer as a replicant)
The bsvgfolderviewer
The SVG-Folder-Viewer that displays all SVG's in a folder (146 files in 3.041 or 0.023 per file)
Parts of the SVG-Test-Suite in the Folder-Viewer
This is the bluesphere iconset
The etiquette iconset
The gorilla iconset
And the lila iconset, all working well
The SVGTranslator
Showing the Tracker.NewFS with SVG support using the SVGTranslator
ShowImage, Gobe Productive, ArtPaint and QuickRes opening SVG's using the SVGTranslator (transparency is supported too)
Tracker.NewFS with the icon folder at three different scales
The bsvgeditor
I built a small SVG-Editor that can draw in a BSVGView on the fly
This is useful, since the BSVGView is able to export it's graphic to a file, attribute or BPositionIO
Here's more of the bsvgeditor: edit path's, their stroke and fill and you can set gradients
The gradient vectors are editable and you can set gradient names
The color and offset's of the individual stops under a gradient can be adjusted
You can set a background for the bsvgeditor and "redraw" a template as SVG
That's the new tabbed interface of the bsvgeditor. More stroke-settings are now available
There is a tab for filling settings where you can set gradients or colors
You can also switch to source mode. Changes are loaded when you switch back to drawing mode
In the preview tab you can see how the graphic looks with different antialiasing modes and background colors
The svgplugin
Here's another addition to the SVG-Pack: A SVG-Plugin for Mozilla
Not much of the tests work correctly but stroke-gradients...
... and objectBoundingBox coordinates are now supported
(you can find the tests
Zooming is now supported and you can see a zoomed Thunderbird icon within svgplugin in Mozilla